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More About Me

From the age of 3, I loved to express my imagination through creative building. I’d see things and think “I can make that.” With limited resources, I stretched my imagination and improvised with duct tape, glue, popsicle sticks, and cardboard. With those, I built a 4 foot long Venator Star Cruiser with compartments for my lego figures, a fully functional crossbow and rubber band gun, just to name a few. I’ve always had an intuition about mechanics and how things work. In middle school, my inventor journey was spurred on by 3D printing and other 3D art mediums, like wire and ceramic - my original 3D printing creation was featured in Corinne Okada’s Art Exhibit and I was awarded a first place blue ribbon. High school was all about designing and creating unique wood pieces which culminated in my Eagle Scout project and also receiving "Outstanding Designer" Senior Award. My formal training in college was the perfect next step. 


What’s behind everything I do is my love for people and community. I believe that the more I’m able to understand people, the better my designs become. I’m driven to create a positive impact in the world. When I’m not designing, you can find me going bowling, rock climbing, perfecting my magic tricks or playing guitar with friends.

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